Tuesday, January 27, 2009

नको वायदा, जमेल तेंव्हा भेटू आपण.
भेटू न शकलो तरी हरकत नाही.
चंद्रमाधविच्या प्रदेशातील आपल्या भेटिंचा मोरपिसारा ठेवलाय मी जपून
दूर गड्या तू खुप योजेने माझ्यापासून, तरी भासतो समीप मजला.
अशाच अमृतभासांसवे कंठीन मी जीवन
कारण आयुष्य तेच आहे नि तसेच राहिल तुझ्या अनुपस्थितीताही.
सून्या घरात बोलू कुणाशी हाच फ़क्त पेच आहे.
तुझ्या भेटीची हमी नसतानाही, मौसमी श्वासांसवे
आपल्या भेटीची हिरवळ ग्रिष्मात्तही मी शोधते आहे…

Detached Attachment

Quite a few days passed by and I’m lingering around with elusive and dire feeling – “Detached Attachment”….My mind is straying with this thought and yet I knew it not…
While finding out what exactly this detached attachment is, I found myself lost in the midst of this vague musing –

I came out alone on my way to my tryst,
But who is this that follows me?
I move aside to avoid his presence,
But I escape him not.
He doesn’t speak a single word and I fill my heart with that silence.
He adds his voice to every word I utter,
And directs me not to shudder.
I’m wandering alone in his company…

& I realized the Detached Attachment. Even on getting disconnected in form, matter, emotions and in spirit ….yet love, care, understanding and respect too are in good measure therein.