Friday, February 13, 2009

A Cup Of Cold Coffee…

Clock has ticked 1.30... the calm and clear mood of night is swinging with the gentle breeze….I’m reading a book & all of sudden, urge for writing something good surges….my mind crammed with diverse thoughts, trying to coin ‘something good’ but more I tried to stress on ‘good’ to come out, less I could articulate anything…I guess, I need a cup of coffee to revive and refurbish my school of thoughts.

So I'm standing in the kitchen in a vague sort of way, and it occurs to me that I made a cup of coffee some time ago. It was at this point I started wondering if I had actually made said cup of coffee or merely imagined it…

Since I was absorbed in thoughts, I’ve missed my coffee :(….. and realized how unreasonable it is to scuffle and merely dwell on the series of thoughts & musings which can’t even get materialized into a maverick blog post…I felt pity for myself. Something so complex and so convoluted that I am sure I would not be able to do justice in putting it down in words at this moment was still swirling round n round under my cerebrum…My mind is still at it, and looking back at my bungled attempt, I keep complaining how inept & inefficient I am!

…I could recollect, how I decided of dipping my toes into the water of blogging, even I was not knowing what I would write…. I started scribbling with the only thought that someday something interesting may come up which would keep readers glued to my blog… but yeah, never ever thought I would be writing about not-even-interestingly missing cup of cold coffee… that too only because I could not congregate n frame anything better!

This post has brought to you by a cup of cold coffee :P

Adios Amigo.

Monday, February 9, 2009


अनाम दुःखही दुःख्खी होवू लागलेय आता
दुःखच माझ्या जखमांवरचे लेप झालेय आता,
दुःखांसवे कधी न रडले मी,
दुःख मलाच बिलगून रडतंय आता.

एकदा ढगांनिही कट रचला, माझे घर मातीचे,
माझ्याच घरावर पाउस कोसळला
त्याचा हट्ट वीज पाडण्याचा, विध्वन्साचा.
नी माझाही…तिथेच घरटे बांधन्याचा!

कोण जाणे कां म्हणुन लाटा किनारयावर आदळूंन जातात?
खरंच कां त्या किनारयाला सोडून जांत त्याच्याशी विश्वासघात करतात?
की, प्रदिर्घ विरहानंतर पुनःश्च भेटीच्या उत्कटतेने दिलेला शब्द पाळत किनारयाला कडकडून मिठी मारतात??

पहाटेच्या रवीकिरणांनी उजळलेले दवबिंदू
धरतीला मोत्यांचा प्रेम-उपहार भासली
पण ते दवबिंदू, चांदण्यांनी रजनीच्या कुशीत
ढाळलेली प्रेम विरहाची आसवे होती…

ग्रीष्माची धग आता सोसवत नाही
वणवा पेटलाय सारया मनात.
पानगळ सुरु झालीये… पिकली पाने खोडांपासून, फांदंयावरून गळून पडताहेत, हवेबरोबर सैरभैर धावताहेत… ती पानेनव्हेताच, ती विरक्त हृदयाची स्पंदने होत.