Monday, May 3, 2010

Wedding Bells

There are some specialized tools that 20-somethings all over the world use when parents pressure them about marriage - "Let me finish my studies first!", “I’ve got to complete some course”, etc, etc…

But the parents of these unsuspecting 20-something are smarter than them..They’ll pretend to buy your reasoning … but the ‘excuse-you-take-up-to-escape marriage’ is not substantial enough in longer run..So, Marriage is Universal!..And, I’m no exception..:)

Oh! I’m getting married…and yet I believe it not :O

I’ve been wedding-shopping every single day…the days are tad busy in doing some or the other marriage- errands..I’m at the receptive end of endless instructions on ‘how-to-look-good’ and ‘what-to-eat’ from aunts, friends and every single person on this planet who learnt m-getting-married..husshhhhhh

Relatives are fawning over me like anything, and I'm loving the attention (?!). Some of them are asking me funny questions. "Is the boy nice?" Hehehe... what do they expect me to say? "No, actually he's not, I'm just marrying him for the heck of it!"? :P …. Aunts adoring me… pinching my cheeks and saying "Oh, I saw you when you were a little baby! I can't believe you're getting married!" .. Well, frankly speaking, I didn't see myself as a little baby, and even I can't believe I'm getting married! :O

I'm also undergoing the ceremony whereby everyone thinks that it is good luck to invite the bride-to-be for lunch/dinner and stuff her with the stuff fried in desi ghee. Sheesh! I'm eating so much here I'm amazed at myself. The tailor's warning rings in my ears "You must maintain this figure of yours.".. Hmmmph!:/ …But I cannot help myself except wearing a smile and maintaining the bridal demure behavior !

..But matter-of-factly, m loving it all! :)

Wedding seems to be not-so-bad after all (if at all it do not lead to ‘Marriage’)...Ahem!

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