Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Rapt illusion..
even though his existence was an ambiguity.
In a time of loneliness he was my hope.. In moments of doubt he was my anxiety,
In a dilemma he was conformity and in moments of faith he was reliability…
I’d never lose him till eternity,
Since I knew he’ll never be mine for surety.
I’ve decided to part away after justifying my integrity,
I bid a farewell to my soul mate, who’s just a silhouette.
“I proposed and GOD disposed…”
Somewhere a revolutionary book ‘ Alchemist’ mentions that once we have made our intentions clear that we want what we want and not stop till we get what we want, the whole world starts to conspire to help us achieve that…But then instead, sometimes, all it come by a part of untold catastrophic destiny and malfunctioned Karma, irrespective of testing the intensity of our desires and even after making us literally bleed through the nose to have it !!
Yeah, sometimes it just happens!..& its futile to figure out the factors behind it…
But then, of course, the attempts at trying to rework alternatives at any stage should never cede…
If you want something pretty bad and you know the challenges to achieve it, spare a thought about alternatives. Look at acceptable routes to your destination. And if there ain’t any, stop giving a damn about checking a probability of your winning.
….finding one important thing in your life at one point of time n loosing it in another minute doesn’t mean you have to give up finding all other important things.
I’d say, in wake of any mayhem or turbulence in one’s life, one should not reach to a point where he’d lament - how much I missed simply because I was afraid of missing it??
So,…enjoy life to the fullest!
Review: The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom

Albom traces Eddie’s world through Eddie’s Birthday stories in such a way that curiosity can not refrain you from turning pages in order to find out what would happen to him next. Although, the story seems poignant but the writing is profound. You’ll not find it theatrical… instead its endearing.
Lesson can be learnt/ the principle around which the story is woven is –
We all live in a vast web of interconnection with other lives; our acts of sacrifices, deeds done in favors of others seemingly small or fruitless do affect others; and our love and loyalty matter to a degree.
Also, Albom indirectly gives a message that instead of blaming our fate for our unfulfilled dream or unattained goals, try to take reigns. No life is worthless.
It’s well said by Richard Bach, “Here’s test to know whether your mission on earth is over. if you are alive, it’s not!” One should try to realize what our lives are given to us for and try to strive to accomplish it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Living Life on the edges…
I feel every individual goes through the upshots and corollaries which are more or less alike…the only difference is prevalence of events and ability of individual to cope with….n there comes the ‘Edge’.
Edges define who are we at much deeper levels of awareness ... n not just who we believe ourselves to be, but who we believe ourselves to be capable of becoming… [gotcha?? Actually, here’s the real botch to understand what the hell these edges gonna define exactly ??? ;( ]
Yet, living life for all the things which you ever want by taking risks & living life where you are liberated from your own limitations…may be the way to comprehend your ‘edge’… This is all what I do to realize myself….n it’s an awakening to living your life the way it was meant to be lived!
Hey, now don’t think tooooo much into LIFE, you will never get out of it – ‘Alive’ ;)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Light, oh light…
Despair which dark dreadful night has brought drag me down deeper;
The sky overcasts with clouds and the rain seems ceaseless;
Wind rushes screaming through void and I’m scared by a loud thunder;
Light, oh where is the light?
There are lamps but not flame..not even a single flicker..
My heart, Is such your fate?...Ah, death is then better by far!
…Kindle it with the burning fire of your fervor.
Kindle it with gentle love and care!!