Tuesday, December 16, 2008

“I proposed and GOD disposed…”

Sometimes I feel, there is a robust and rock solid system working against me, which is trying to exhibit recurrently that you can do whatever you want but things will ultimately turn around as per the default process set to deliver the output which is exactly opposite to that of what I desired of…the entropy in environment is eager only to fling my best plans into disarray… scanty pieces of the desideratum!

Somewhere a revolutionary book ‘ Alchemist’ mentions that once we have made our intentions clear that we want what we want and not stop till we get what we want, the whole world starts to conspire to help us achieve that…But then instead, sometimes, all it come by a part of untold catastrophic destiny and malfunctioned Karma, irrespective of testing the intensity of our desires and even after making us literally bleed through the nose to have it !!

Yeah, sometimes it just happens!..& its futile to figure out the factors behind it…

But then, of course, the attempts at trying to rework alternatives at any stage should never cede…

If you want something pretty bad and you know the challenges to achieve it, spare a thought about alternatives. Look at acceptable routes to your destination. And if there ain’t any, stop giving a damn about checking a probability of your winning.

….finding one important thing in your life at one point of time n loosing it in another minute doesn’t mean you have to give up finding all other important things.

I’d say, in wake of any mayhem or turbulence in one’s life, one should not reach to a point where he’d lament - how much I missed simply because I was afraid of missing it??

So,…enjoy life to the fullest!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Blazing Flame,

    Just started reading your blog.
    Simply very impressed by you comment from ‘ Alchemist’ .Its impressive.At first any one agrees to this .But when you lose the what you wish its more painful.

    And the person who had thought to achieve throughout his life and suddenly he came to know that is all in-vain.how can you cope with that.Some says that time is the best heal to all pains.i am not agree to that also .there is always a scar of that on your heart always.

    i think coming out of that shows the character of that person.

    Sorry if by my comments apprehend you by any means .



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