Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Living Life on the edges…

I feel every individual goes through the upshots and corollaries which are more or less alike…the only difference is prevalence of events and ability of individual to cope with….n there comes the ‘Edge’.

Edges define who are we at much deeper levels of awareness ... n not just who we believe ourselves to be, but who we believe ourselves to be capable of becoming… [gotcha?? Actually, here’s the real botch to understand what the hell these edges gonna define exactly ??? ;( ]

Yet, living life for all the things which you ever want by taking risks & living life where you are liberated from your own limitations…may be the way to comprehend your ‘edge’… This is all what I do to realize myself….n it’s an awakening to living your life the way it was meant to be lived!

Hey, now don’t think tooooo much into LIFE, you will never get out of it – ‘Alive’ ;)

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