Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rapt illusion..

I loved him with such strength & such certainty,
even though his existence was an ambiguity.
In a time of loneliness he was my hope.. In moments of doubt he was my anxiety,
In a dilemma he was conformity and in moments of faith he was reliability…
I’d never lose him till eternity,
Since I knew he’ll never be mine for surety.
I’ve decided to part away after justifying my integrity,
I bid a farewell to my soul mate, who’s just a silhouette.


  1. Awesome!..the way you coined the words...Keep it up.

  2. I just love this poem.. !!! I mean its so touchy !!!! Personally,my whole past came infront of me in these lines !!!!
    Great work.. !!!!

  3. Hi Sumit..Thanks for dropping by!..Welcome to my blog. Hope to c u around often :)


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