Standing by the window of my room, I was mesmerized to see blooming Gulmohar whose branches were adorned with vibrant blood red coloured flowers…The King of Kings has decked himself in beauty which was captivating my heart… Through its thick web of leaves Sun embroidered green tapestry…It’s flowers were all merry by roadside…Dancing and whirling around, its withered leaves brought me a fresh, gentle breeze of air… flock of birds were singing together…and there came a tiny little butterfly to play around pleasantly, to colour flowers with its ever-changing hues…Oh! it has just reached my hand and tenderly left a colourful tiny tad on my hand…the speck of the colour drove me fly casting away barren lines of dullness…
Colourful, charming nature, full of life beaming in its glory, barring gloomy dullness & colourlessness aside. I could realize – the same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day, runs through the world and dances in a rhythmic measures….n al’f sudden my brain cell woke up, unveiling the secret of all things which miraculously exists – Why there’s a play of colors on the canvas of clouds and on the screen of water? Why flowers are painted in tints? Why Mother Nature is festooned with spectrum of colours??
Colours signifies the real appearance, real aspect…it manifests clear and lucid portrait of everything, which is meant to convey a momentous message to the Universe. Colours affect people, triggering all kinds of feelings, moods and associations…It nurtures bonding and affiliation. It brings vibrancy and spark to the life.
Yeah, it does express a meaning…else we could not relate Spring with vivacious Green scenic surrounding, when flora set to flourish…Fall with colourful gladness of foliage for fruits and blend of melancholic Gray linked to the imminent arrival of harsh weather…Winter with White snow and Summer with elements of bright Yellow, Orange, Gold Bronze and weary Brown….How difficult it is to figure out the exact essence without colours, isn’t it?
Here’s coming a pageant of colors…So, this Holi let colors flow and get your scarf drenched..
Good to see u blogging sweetheart. I was really stranger to this side of your personality....Poetic...grrrtt!!! Happy Holi