Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oh! Income...axed for Tax!

Ever since I got my first job few yrs back and I’ve started earning, the word ‘Income’ has got the real and significant meaning in my dictionary….the word gets me high…a feeling of self independence and self esteem surges when I could fulfill my earthly pleasures – Roti, Kapda aur Makan with the help of my hard earned income (Whereas after looking at the total sum of my income, how I restricts myself and regulates an unattainable plan of acquiring long- wished material delights into different phased goals – is another part of story which attempts at solacing myself).

But then a word ‘Tax’ which creeps along with ‘Income’ makes me :( since I’ve to prepare myself to cough up a tax to Govt for toiling hard to earn my bread n butter…I checks the sum to be paid n I eyes at my wallet which, as usual is flatter than a starving stomach of a malnourished child.This always leave me perplexed as I fails to find that kind of amount anywhere to shell out for paying the tax… …But when it comes to pay Income tax, I left with no options but to forfeit the burdened tax from my fistful pay … (since I can’t think any of these options- beg, borrow and steal…albeit I wonder who would lend the money to a good- for- nothing asset like me)..

For a moment, I fed up of all these irksome moping about taxes and I think of giving away all my derisory earnings...but I can’t. Because to give it away, you may have to pay Gift Tax. I think of a movie break..& I leaves the thought, I’d have to pay Entertainment Tax then. How about visiting food joint & having some delicious snacks but then whereupon, I’d be definitely end up paying Luxury Tax for the privilege…phew!

Central Sales Tax, VAT, Octroi, Property Tax, Corporate Tax, Excise Tax, Ad Valorem duties, blah, blah…..list is endless… Oh GOD, save us dutiful people on this planet! Some other day, we may have to pay tax just for greeting people, for that matter, even your neighbor…since saying ‘Hi’ or ‘Good Morning’ could be deemed as doing some service & therefore taxable. Oh yeah, Service tax for extending your services ;-D

But why do we need to pay all these taxes to Govt.??.....Simple! To aid our Govt to provide Sadak, Pani & Bijli to its aam junta..for which all Regular Government are expected to work hard, but not ours for sure… never for a single time. So be it, …Keep working!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rang Barse..

Standing by the window of my room, I was mesmerized to see blooming Gulmohar whose branches were adorned with vibrant blood red coloured flowers…The King of Kings has decked himself in beauty which was captivating my heart… Through its thick web of leaves Sun embroidered green tapestry…It’s flowers were all merry by roadside…Dancing and whirling around, its withered leaves brought me a fresh, gentle breeze of air… flock of birds were singing together…and there came a tiny little butterfly to play around pleasantly, to colour flowers with its ever-changing hues…Oh! it has just reached my hand and tenderly left a colourful tiny tad on my hand…the speck of the colour drove me fly casting away barren lines of dullness…

Colourful, charming nature, full of life beaming in its glory, barring gloomy dullness & colourlessness aside. I could realize – the same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day, runs through the world and dances in a rhythmic measures….n al’f sudden my brain cell woke up, unveiling the secret of all things which miraculously exists – Why there’s a play of colors on the canvas of clouds and on the screen of water? Why flowers are painted in tints? Why Mother Nature is festooned with spectrum of colours??

Colours signifies the real appearance, real aspect…it manifests clear and lucid portrait of everything, which is meant to convey a momentous message to the Universe. Colours affect people, triggering all kinds of feelings, moods and associations…It nurtures bonding and affiliation. It brings vibrancy and spark to the life.

Yeah, it does express a meaning…else we could not relate Spring with vivacious Green scenic surrounding, when flora set to flourish…Fall with colourful gladness of foliage for fruits and blend of melancholic Gray linked to the imminent arrival of harsh weather…Winter with White snow and Summer with elements of bright Yellow, Orange, Gold Bronze and weary Brown….How difficult it is to figure out the exact essence without colours, isn’t it?
Here’s coming a pageant of colors…So, this Holi let colors flow and get your scarf drenched..
Live the colours!

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Cup Of Cold Coffee…

Clock has ticked 1.30... the calm and clear mood of night is swinging with the gentle breeze….I’m reading a book & all of sudden, urge for writing something good surges….my mind crammed with diverse thoughts, trying to coin ‘something good’ but more I tried to stress on ‘good’ to come out, less I could articulate anything…I guess, I need a cup of coffee to revive and refurbish my school of thoughts.

So I'm standing in the kitchen in a vague sort of way, and it occurs to me that I made a cup of coffee some time ago. It was at this point I started wondering if I had actually made said cup of coffee or merely imagined it…

Since I was absorbed in thoughts, I’ve missed my coffee :(….. and realized how unreasonable it is to scuffle and merely dwell on the series of thoughts & musings which can’t even get materialized into a maverick blog post…I felt pity for myself. Something so complex and so convoluted that I am sure I would not be able to do justice in putting it down in words at this moment was still swirling round n round under my cerebrum…My mind is still at it, and looking back at my bungled attempt, I keep complaining how inept & inefficient I am!

…I could recollect, how I decided of dipping my toes into the water of blogging, even I was not knowing what I would write…. I started scribbling with the only thought that someday something interesting may come up which would keep readers glued to my blog… but yeah, never ever thought I would be writing about not-even-interestingly missing cup of cold coffee… that too only because I could not congregate n frame anything better!

This post has brought to you by a cup of cold coffee :P

Adios Amigo.

Monday, February 9, 2009


अनाम दुःखही दुःख्खी होवू लागलेय आता
दुःखच माझ्या जखमांवरचे लेप झालेय आता,
दुःखांसवे कधी न रडले मी,
दुःख मलाच बिलगून रडतंय आता.

एकदा ढगांनिही कट रचला, माझे घर मातीचे,
माझ्याच घरावर पाउस कोसळला
त्याचा हट्ट वीज पाडण्याचा, विध्वन्साचा.
नी माझाही…तिथेच घरटे बांधन्याचा!

कोण जाणे कां म्हणुन लाटा किनारयावर आदळूंन जातात?
खरंच कां त्या किनारयाला सोडून जांत त्याच्याशी विश्वासघात करतात?
की, प्रदिर्घ विरहानंतर पुनःश्च भेटीच्या उत्कटतेने दिलेला शब्द पाळत किनारयाला कडकडून मिठी मारतात??

पहाटेच्या रवीकिरणांनी उजळलेले दवबिंदू
धरतीला मोत्यांचा प्रेम-उपहार भासली
पण ते दवबिंदू, चांदण्यांनी रजनीच्या कुशीत
ढाळलेली प्रेम विरहाची आसवे होती…

ग्रीष्माची धग आता सोसवत नाही
वणवा पेटलाय सारया मनात.
पानगळ सुरु झालीये… पिकली पाने खोडांपासून, फांदंयावरून गळून पडताहेत, हवेबरोबर सैरभैर धावताहेत… ती पानेनव्हेताच, ती विरक्त हृदयाची स्पंदने होत.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

नको वायदा, जमेल तेंव्हा भेटू आपण.
भेटू न शकलो तरी हरकत नाही.
चंद्रमाधविच्या प्रदेशातील आपल्या भेटिंचा मोरपिसारा ठेवलाय मी जपून
दूर गड्या तू खुप योजेने माझ्यापासून, तरी भासतो समीप मजला.
अशाच अमृतभासांसवे कंठीन मी जीवन
कारण आयुष्य तेच आहे नि तसेच राहिल तुझ्या अनुपस्थितीताही.
सून्या घरात बोलू कुणाशी हाच फ़क्त पेच आहे.
तुझ्या भेटीची हमी नसतानाही, मौसमी श्वासांसवे
आपल्या भेटीची हिरवळ ग्रिष्मात्तही मी शोधते आहे…

Detached Attachment

Quite a few days passed by and I’m lingering around with elusive and dire feeling – “Detached Attachment”….My mind is straying with this thought and yet I knew it not…
While finding out what exactly this detached attachment is, I found myself lost in the midst of this vague musing –

I came out alone on my way to my tryst,
But who is this that follows me?
I move aside to avoid his presence,
But I escape him not.
He doesn’t speak a single word and I fill my heart with that silence.
He adds his voice to every word I utter,
And directs me not to shudder.
I’m wandering alone in his company…

& I realized the Detached Attachment. Even on getting disconnected in form, matter, emotions and in spirit ….yet love, care, understanding and respect too are in good measure therein.